In the Cross alone I shall boast,
Though to all it may seem folly.
For His glory there is seen the most,
And by His grace He makes men salty.
"Salt in the World you must be,"
The holiness of Christ display.
His life in you they must see,
For the World is in moral decay.
In the cross alone shall I glory,
By no other means may men be saved!
All must stand before God who is Holy,
And all by sin have been enslaved.
As a Judge He is obligated to punish,
"For the wages of sin is death."
Our "goodness" before Him is rubbish.
Surely we transgress with every breath!
In the cross alone I shall believe,
With that work we cannot compare a thing!
For there, the impossible He did achieve
To the cross forever we must cling!
God's perfect Justice there is satisfied;
And His perfect Grace demonstrated.
My ransom there is truly ratified;
And my enmity totally eliminated.
In the cross alone I shall hope,
For indeed, it is the only way!
By Jesus - not by priest nor pope...
Shall we be saved on that final Day.
Not by works or deeds of the flesh
Can we stand righteous before His throne.
We cannot place our hope in anything less
But place it only in the cross alone.
Though to all it may seem folly.
For His glory there is seen the most,
And by His grace He makes men salty.
"Salt in the World you must be,"
The holiness of Christ display.
His life in you they must see,
For the World is in moral decay.
In the cross alone shall I glory,
By no other means may men be saved!
All must stand before God who is Holy,
And all by sin have been enslaved.
As a Judge He is obligated to punish,
"For the wages of sin is death."
Our "goodness" before Him is rubbish.
Surely we transgress with every breath!
In the cross alone I shall believe,
With that work we cannot compare a thing!
For there, the impossible He did achieve
To the cross forever we must cling!
God's perfect Justice there is satisfied;
And His perfect Grace demonstrated.
My ransom there is truly ratified;
And my enmity totally eliminated.
In the cross alone I shall hope,
For indeed, it is the only way!
By Jesus - not by priest nor pope...
Shall we be saved on that final Day.
Not by works or deeds of the flesh
Can we stand righteous before His throne.
We cannot place our hope in anything less
But place it only in the cross alone.
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